Replace unproductive applications, faster.

Boost business efficiency and growth

Launch in weeks, not months

Immediately start configuring your replacement application in week 1 and validate with users without months of ramp-up and requirements development.

  • Replace any forms-based application
  • Take innovative risks without sizable costs
  • Speed up requirements validation by 10x with cross functional teams
  • A proven architecture that’s secure, robust, and scalable

Implemented a capital expenditures automated approvals solution 10x faster than using their existing ERP system or any alternative option.

“Great Ideaz implemented our solution within the original budget and timelines and the entire project has been a tremendous success. We continue to have an excellent working relationship and I highly recommend them!”


Arlen Bolan, P. Eng.
Director, Engineering and Capital Planning
Terrapure Environmental

Configure a rich, responsive user experience for any device

Craft personalized, modern application experiences by role, device, and data context.

  • Complete business tasks with efficient user flows
  • Enable integration with any data source
  • Easily migrate data from existing applications
  • Visualize your data with advanced analytics

Intuitive to use and navigate with extensive functionality. Configure unique user experiences for your staff, customers, suppliers, members, or any other type of user.

Why does configuration in trellispark accelerate your UX design?

Eliminate hours working Figma mock-ups and instead configure it directly in a functioning app

  • Immerse users directly in a functional app by eliminating the need for extensive UX mock-ups, coding, and testing
  • Extensive control of CSS styling everywhere without waiting for development
  • Users can immediately see the consequences of decisions

Changes are instantly visible

See the impact of your decisions now, without having to write code.

  • Low risk and easy to roll back
  • Business analysts and citizen developers can configure the user experience
  • Easily collaborate with your cross-functional team members
  • Rapidly build consensus on requirements in real-time
  • Slash time spent on mock-ups, developing, and testing

Eliminate wasted effort due to miscommunication and assumptions.

Eliminate all the user experience code

Configure your unique user experience without writing any JavaScript or “select” statements.

Reduce the need for developers and testers:

  • Focus on creating high-quality custom workflow
  • Dramatically reduce overall testing
  • Configure where and when your workflow code is executed
  • Easy to add, modify, or remove custom code

We can support and compliment your team as required with knowledgeable and experienced professionals.

Why is configuring in trellispark more efficient than coding?

Configuration is faster, more flexible, and significantly reduces effort and risk.

Over 90%+ of a typical form-based application’s code:

  • Moves data between the screen and database
  • Determines what a user can see and do based on the record state and content, user role, business rule, and device
  • Validates data being entered by a user
  • Provides context for a user to invoke workflow and other automation

This can all be eliminated by configuration along with

  • Endless iterations of meetings, requirements development, coding, and testing
  • Most sources of technical debt

NOTES: Show 10-hours on the left and 1-hour on the right. Need to tie together these two points (“A” gets reduced by “B”)

Clear your backlog

Configuration makes it easy to update your production application as requirements change.

  • Prevent the future buildup of requirements backlog
  • Respond to market changes faster
  • Increase operational efficiencies in application delivery

Why is configuration in trellispark different?

Other solutions are limited

  • They often provide a canvas editor to drop fields on a simple 2-dimensional form that have a fixed and limited set of form and field types
  • They have very few options to change how the form is rendered
  • You often need to create custom JavaScript code to control how fields are displayed or to enforce business conditions
  • They are based on a hard coded data model and workflow that constrains your application

trellispark is an unlimited and open-ended full-stack configuration engine

  • All the limitations listed on the left are configurable without custom JavaScript code
  • Configure any data and security model 
  • You can easily add new types of fields or forms to trellispark’s configuration model that are fully integrated within your application